Friday, May 11, 2012

Tax the Rich Bill the Poor

Fair's fair.  Isn't It? 
American Citizens Michelle Birdsong, founder Mainstreaming Clues For the Marginalized/Mainstreaming Clues 2 U and Captain Devan Gangadean 

Tax The Rich, 

Bill Occupiers for extra Police man hours and Vehicles and Gas

Bill the poor for FREE services - they pay 0 federal taxes 
50% of the people pay 0 federal taxes

(but we know nothing's free, free to them (us) but somebody paid/pays) 
Food Stamps (free food) 
Welfare (free money)
Free education (government) public schools)
Free higher education (grants)
Free medical/health care (Medicaid)
Free dental care (Medicaid)
Free housing (the projects)
Free burial
Free or cheap contraception
Free travel to apply for free stuff (they give you free metro cards)
Free babysitters (schools, err just kidding)
Free textbooks
Free teachers
Free babysitters (daycare/childcare, whatever happened to grandparents babysitting their grandkids)
Free medicine (Medicaid)
Free Lawyers (Legal Aid) 
Free cellphones 
Free tax refunds (earned income credits)
Free foods for our babies - (Wic, milk, juices, cereals for your babies)
Free increases in money (when we have more babies)
Free Protection from pissed off taxpayers (For your vote, politicians will call these citizens names such as racists, terrorists, cunts, bitches, to make them feel bad for not wanting the government taking their hard earned money giving it to us instead of them using their money for themselves and their families)

Free Interpreters if you don't speak the language (English)
Free coddling (4 your votes politicians will pass laws against anybody hurting your feelings)
Free Ego Trips (4 your votes politicians and judges will pass laws against and enforce laws against freedom of Worship (Our Worshipping God)
Free protection local (police)
Free protection national (soldiers fighting for you)
Free job training (job training)
Section 8 Housing, less than market value housing
So what's everybody so mad at America about?  

Michelle Malkin said (paraphrased) if everybody who benefits from America's generosity was a little less greedy and little more grateful we'd be better off.  
We say let's thank God 4 America and let's start being self reliant and stop breaking the backs of the productive class and get our hands out of the pockets of the taxpayers!!  Yea yea.  

Let's do what Cinderella Man did - (who saw that movie?  True story) Let's repay every penny of other folks' money that we used (borrowed) before we leave this earth.  Who wants to be a mooch?  Who wants their kids and grand kids to be mooches?  

No self respecting person- that's who doesn't want to be a mooch.  Let's respect ourselves by doing respectable things.  Let's put our hands in our own pockets.  God love you (us) the poor and the rich!!

FUN THING!  Upload your beautiful photo to We like the Dove ads that show all 3 kinds of woman including the mesomorphic muscular physical types - I forget the names of the other two female body types.  If you remember post it on my Facebook page please.  Or I'll listen again to Tony Robbins Power Talk interview with Dr. John Gray (Men are From Mars Women Are FromVenus) where Tony and Dr. Gray describe and name the 3 types of female bodies. They speak in depth about the 10,000,000 images shown men by the media of the female body type the media favors (slender). 

If life gives you lemons first thing in the morning, squeeze it into half cup warm water, drink it, thereby cleansing your liver!!

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