Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Only Racists I See These Days Are Black

so I overheard a lady say walking down 14th St.  I heard  her buddy say Star Jones said: Only in America can we have a ghetto fabulous president!

How come Holder's doing nothing about the black panther who said crackers ought to be thankful we haven't started hanging them with the noose YET.  Is that a threat?  Is that race hate speech especially since the guy kept saying how much he hates crackers.  Is hate speech okay if you're black?

I know if some white guy said blacks ought to be glad whites didn't start hanging them with a noose YET his ass would be grass.  Don't you know that too.

Those who refuse to be a part of the political process are doomed to be ruled by their inferiors.  Thomas Jefferson.  Are we there yet?
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