Monday, November 25, 2013

In Shelter w/Hubby & Hannah Sims Will Smith sometime employee

Hi all,

You never know what's going t happen despite all the visualizations you do.  Hannah flatters herself that I would place a cutsie blouse on her bunk. You should have seen the accusatory look on her face.  Insulting. It was the lesbian on the floor.  Pissed me off--same thing happened to me in 2nd grade, falsely accused.

Apple macBook stolen. Library's giving me 10 minutes more on this PC. More tomorrow.  I have so much news for you, you'll going to be shocked but informed.  My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge quotes Dr. Mike Murdock.

Don't know you but care for you because in spirit you are my brothers and sisters as GOD IS THE fATHER OF US ALL!!

Michelle birdsong, founder, mainstreaming news 2u

For teeshirt:  8 o'cock send $20 m.o.,  name address size to or exec not sure which