Monday, November 25, 2013

In Shelter w/Hubby & Hannah Sims Will Smith sometime employee

Hi all,

You never know what's going t happen despite all the visualizations you do.  Hannah flatters herself that I would place a cutsie blouse on her bunk. You should have seen the accusatory look on her face.  Insulting. It was the lesbian on the floor.  Pissed me off--same thing happened to me in 2nd grade, falsely accused.

Apple macBook stolen. Library's giving me 10 minutes more on this PC. More tomorrow.  I have so much news for you, you'll going to be shocked but informed.  My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge quotes Dr. Mike Murdock.

Don't know you but care for you because in spirit you are my brothers and sisters as GOD IS THE fATHER OF US ALL!!

Michelle birdsong, founder, mainstreaming news 2u

For teeshirt:  8 o'cock send $20 m.o.,  name address size to or exec not sure which

Monday, July 30, 2012

6 yr old GIves 10 Reasons NOT to vote 4 Obama

See Political Outcast for the video with all 10 reasons - I'll mention a few here:

10.  He takes money from people who work hard and gives it to people who don't work at all

5. Let's bad guys into our country

3.  Mr & Mrs Obama are not proud of America but I am says the kid

He got good points.  He speaks truth.  Many adults won't even see these truths.  Congratulations to his parents. They obviously did good as they've raised an amazing little boy.

Check out more of my writings if you want to. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Words of wisdom to uplift spirits & share new info

Mainstreaming Clues For The Marginalized

Notes taken during Dr. Mike Murdock's June 26th Talk at in Charlotte, N.C.   He's the author of 120 books, a singer, piano player, songwriter, preacher, founder The Wisdom Center in Dallas.

Nothing leaves Heaven till something leaves Earth; Joy is the reward for discerning the Divine deposit (gift, benefit, reward) of the immediate moment
Your wisdom decides your wealth, health etc. ; Anything permitted increases; delayed obedience becomes disobedience; Ecceascles (can't spell it my Bibles are in storage) (Book in BIble) says money answers all things

Your income is determined by the problem you choose to solve; The role of your memory is to replay past memories; 
All problems are wisdom problems; Your ignorance is costly lol - I'm concerned about your ignorance lol

Pursuit is the proof of faith - God only reacts to Faith (pursuit); God does not work in your life relative to your need for him; Seed (effort/action) changes seasons.  God doesn't decide miracles  You do.  Seed faith is sowing something you've been given which will create something you've been promised.

Mercy, forgiveness, money, protection are seeds.

Seed decides the seasons of your life.  The man said money won't make you happy.  Murdock says poverty won't either.  lol

Faith is a fact and faith is an act

You must first become what you want others around you to become.  Seeds change seasons.  The instructions you follow determines the future you create.  Ross Perot the millionaire said you just need 1 idea and you could live like a King for the rest of your life.

Wisdom Keys:  1.  Focus decides feelings.  Focus decides what you feel.  What you feel determines what you pursue.  2.  Life's battles are in the mind.  You can know if your focus is right by how you feel.  God gave you the world for you to choose what you need for your world.  It's a table of contents.  You don't need everything in the world for your world.

If you don't decide your focus somebody else will.  Put pictures of what you want to focus on in your view.  Take them with you when you travel.  You must create an environment for your focus - focus decides your feelings and you control your focus.  

2. Mentors decide changes - He's not your cheerleader he's your coach - you follow his advice - he tells you where you're right and wrong. 
Parasite wants what's in your hand.  Protegee wants what's in your heart.  3.  Self portrait decides self confidence.  You always act like the person you think you are.  4.  Adversaries decide your reward.  Without Goliath David would have stayed a poor shepherd boy, obscure.  Enemies decide your promotion.  An enemy is a gate to the next season.  Adversaries decide rewards.  
Don't use victim vocabulary.  It empowers your enemies.  Vulnerability attracts bullys. 
The Law of displacement

4.  Pursue your circle of council (people to discuss and advise you) 5.  Attitude determines access.  Attitude is more powerful than genius.  Its a choice.  There are geniuses all over the ghettos with poor attitudes.  6.  Instructions are gates to recognition.  The person you pleasure is the person who rewards you.  
Murdock says he  never met a man who wasn't a lot of different men.  He wrote a song called:  God Loves Everyone of Me.  lol 
7.  Obedience proves trust.  God's obsession is to be believed.  His only pain is to be doubted.  Your Faith produces miracles.  Your willingness to follow God's instructions even when they seem ridiculous produces miracles.  Obedience proves trust.  Best friend you've got is the one who talks to you like you're a King.  Every man craves a nest without thorns.  Decisions decide wealth  Decisions decide joy, health, stress, etc. Obedience proves trust.  The willingness to wait proves trust.  8.  Pursuit proves passion.  You have no right to anything you haven't reached for.   You'll only return to a place of comfort.  God reacts to the "reacher."  

9.  Correction exposes character.  Your willingness to be corrected determines your success.  
Decisions decide wealth - dominant gift determines your wealth supply.  
The numbers got mixed up.  But the wisdom is clearly important and helpful to understanding. 

Robert Kiyosaki author or rich dad poor dad says in his book, Before You Quit Your Job, "In today's rapidly changing world the people who are not taking risks are the risk takers.  People who are not taking risks are falling behind.
Kiyosaki also said, "Silver is the best buy I've seen in my life."  They're tanking the dollar (the Democrats printing money and including billionaire radicals). And the rich are exchanging worth less dollars - the more money in circulation the less its worth. The rich are buying gold and silver. 
Hopes this helps.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Epitome of an Insecure Wife

Did you just say she's beautiful?  And you like her color?  Why don't you say she's more beautiful than me.  Next you'll be wanting to eat her too.  You think she tastes good.  In fact you're saying I'm nothing just an ordinary person and she's good for you.  She's healthy.  

Just because she's a fruit salad.  For real.  lol

Monday, June 18, 2012

Use your Brain before you Blame, Please!

Let's begin by getting the feelings out into the open - Talk and Share - Are you reacting to what Romney said?  Are you mad, angry, pissed off, outraged, furious?  Are you shocked?  Are you offended?  Are you insulted?  Are you amazed?  Are you indignant?  Are you hurt?  Are you presuming Romney's wrong bad a racist for what he said? Are you having the conviction that Romney indeed all Republicans are racist and against poor people?  Are you presuming because black people should work he said a bad thing?  Do you want to hurt Romney back?  Do you want to get even with the Republicans with white people?  Do you give Romney no credit for being willing to deal with the real problems among the American black lower economic class?  Is Romney a racist because he brings up things that make us look bad?  Should Romney pretend like Obama that these things don't exist in the ghetto?  Should we continue to leave the lower classes among us clueless like Obama has done or should we deal with them and help them like Romney proposed doing?  Should Romney have said all is well as Obama has said?  Should Romney sweep the problems the real hurtful problems drugs, begging, etc under the rug like Obama did?  Do you not realize American black people are worse off today than they were when Obama took office?  Do you not realize America is worse off today than she was when Obama took office?  

Do you identify with Obama because he skin has color?  Did you not read Dinesh D'Souza book, The Roots of Obama's Rage.  Dr. D'Souza is a brown man who also identified with Obama although he didn't agree with his policies.  He wrote his book 3 times trying not to see the truth that Obama is mad at America.  By the 3rd writing he could no longer ignore the truths his research had uncovered.  Obama is channeling his dead father.  His father believed people should be taxed 100% but given a little back.  Obama's father was an African not an american black man (they're not the same) a communist, a bigamist, a hater of us, although he was educated with our dollars.  Obama's mother was a white woman communist.  Her parents Obama's grandparents were socialists/communists as well.  So what is Obama?

If you have more feelings in the way of clear thinking please write them down or say them either silently or aloud, for your own personal intellectual clear grasp of reality. Thank you.

Did you want Romney to lie and say his ancestors didn't own slaves when they did.  He didn't say he owned slaves, he said his ancestors owned slaves.  Do you want to punish Romney because his ancestors owned slaves?    Should Romney be blamed for what his ancestors did? Should he hide the fact that his ancestors owned slaves.  Should he be a sneak like Obama and hide his background?  Do you presume that because I said something unflattering about Obama that I'm a racist?  Do you presume that because I'm thinking through what Romney said instead of just reacting I'm a racist.  Do you not understand that an educated person thinks things through and doesn't make judgments solely on emotions.

What, you don't want a sense of pride and the work ethic brought back into the black community we should continue living off other peoples' tax money (welfare, medicaid, Sec-8, WIC etc.)  begging for more food stamps, and earning our money dealing drugs. 

This is 2012 not 1864  We have to use our brains and not just jump emotional and be thin skinned.  And looking for racists in every honest heart felt statement is self destructive - look at what the man really said.  He said twice he wants to work closely with the black community.  Did Obama work closely with the black community, Maxine Waters said he didn't (black congress woman from California)  or did he work closely with the government unions against the black community ala school vouchers and reasonable wages so jobs could stay in America.  Its time we become more intelligent and less emotional.  Brains not blames.  Please.
You called on Sharpton.  You want to keep going around in circles.  Einstein the genius said doing the same thing expecting a different result is insane.  What's goin happen if we go marching around listening to Sharpton bitch?  Do you realize nothing except Sharpton will get more press more fame more money.  and things will stay the same among the poor, unless we change.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Jews Fleeing Obama. R Blacks Next?

Gallup polls reports Jews are fleeing Obama.  And Jeremiah Wright Oprah and Caroline Kennedy despise him.  What will American black voters do when they realize they're worse off under Obama than they were under President Bush.  He refuses to allow the voucher program to continue.  Although his decision cuts off possibility of good schools for thousands of black kids.  He turned a deaf ear to begging American black parents in the beginning of his presidency and he continues doing so 3 years later.

He refuses to stop funding PPH the hundreds of millions of dollars of our money even though it means they will continue killing future black babies disproportionately - 30% of abortions are done on pregnant black women despite the fact that black people are only 13% of the population.  What's that about?  Genocide.  Population control.  No brainers.

American black teens' unemployment figures are 50% - unheard of in previous administrations.  Many fewer jobs for black teens is what that means.

What should American black people do?  If you insist on having a black president at least choose one who didn't say he was a foreigner when he applied for student loans.  Choose a man who's been an American all his life not starting in 2007 just before running for President.  Choose Lt. Col. Congressman Allan West if you want an American black man to be president of the United States of America.

I'd vote for him in a heartbeat not at all because his skin happens to have color but because he LOVES America.  He is an American.  He'll do what's best for America.  He's qualified to run the country.  He's not an amateur when it comes to being a Leader.

I've published some new ebooks on Kindle for Amazon.   Rattin' Out Stevie Wonder and "Willie Davis , My 1967 Valentine."  Buy them, please.  Or buy some other book, just READ!  Ray Bradbury the science fiction writer said you don't have to burn books to destroy a culture, just stop them from reading.  No worries that the Willie Davis Cover is upside down.  The relationship was not right either.  Apologies all around.

In any case, registered American voters, "let's vote for a Pro and watch  the economy grow!"

Saturday, May 26, 2012

If you have a young boy, you’ve probably watched Disney’s Cars 2 about a thousand times.  For those who don’t know, at the movie’s end (an obligatory spoiler warning here), Sir Miles Axlerod is exposed as a fraud when he’s forced to open his hood by Mater, the hayseed hick.  Hold that thought.
Three possibilities follow the bombshell discovery that Barack Obama was promoted in 1991 through 2007 by his professional agency as an author “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”  (1) Obama untruthfully presented himself as Kenya-born.  (2) Obama untruthfully presents himself as Hawaii-born.  (3) Obama had no knowledge that his bio contained the 16-year-old “error” which was corrected in April of 2007, when Obama was gearing up his campaign for the U.S. presidency.
Of the three possibilities, number three may be discarded on its face as absurd.  Everyone in the publishing industry knows that authors write their own bios.  At the very least, authors approve their own bios.  I’ve written some law review articles, and in the law journal context, author bios are normally brief.  Even so, in every instance, the respective publishers printed only what I approved.